3310 Mobile

Management in the Hands of Apartment Residents

Mobile App UI/UX

  • During a UX/UI Bootcamp my team and I went about designing an app to make apartment management easier for residents. To improve on the final product, I redesigned the look and feel of the app interface to embrace modern UI trends, and provide a more professional, secure experience for apartment residents.

  • The goal was to provide a solution that streamlines communication with management, providing a more efficient process and reclaiming valuable time for apartment residents.

  • UX Research: Surveys, Interview Plans, User Personas, Empathy Maps, User Journeys

    Product Ideation: Feature Prioritization, Information Architecture, User Task Flows

    UI Design: Low-Fi Wireframes, Mid-Fi Prototype, Style Guide, High Fidelity Designs

Residents at 3310 Apartment Homes encounter challenges with the current portal—issues like inconsistent contact methods and confusing language to find essential information. Dissatisfaction with long hold times and phone tag emphasized the need for a more user-friendly communication system.

The Problem

Based on user insights it was apparent that a mobile application would streamline any information that residents would need, and would provide a centralized point of contact for any issues they may have.

The Solution

New Rent Payment Flow

Understanding the Current Experience

To understand how residents were interacting with the current web portal, we surveyed 31 residents of 3310 Apartment Homes about their experience with the resident portal and followed up with 6 user interviews.


When talking to actual residents we found out that they felt the web portal was:

  • retro looking

  • confusing to use

  • lacking a proper rent breakdown


Opportunity For Improvement

transparent png of 3310 Mobile app logo

The top 3 changes residents wanted to see with the portal:

  • Adding an option to file a complaint/report an issue

  • Have a way to access announcements, newsletters, management information, resident resources, and general messages from the apartment complex

  • Include a better summary/ledger of rent statements for people to keep track of their finances

We found that 8 out of 10 residents would strongly consider using a mobile app for their needs over a website portal

Residents of 3310 Apartment Homes need an easy, centralized way to access and track apartment information, make maintenance requests, and report community issues so they can spend their valuable time focusing on other important aspects of their lives.

A mobile app will be more accessible and improve upon the current resident portal by utilizing a streamlined interface to highlight the most important features and resources to address resident needs.

Defining Features & Functionality

Defining the Ideal User


Lo-Fi Wireframes


Web Portal vs. Mid-Fi Wireframes

Usability Testing

Final Design Styles

Initial Hi-Fi Wireframes

More Usability Testing + Iteration

Interact with the prototype here↴

3310 Mobile



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